uPVC Windows Braintree

uPVC Windows Braintree

We install a superb range of uPVC windows in homes throughout Braintree and surrounding Essex towns.

uPVC Windows Braintree

If you’re looking to enhance your home in Braintree uPVC windows are the ideal solution. For modern and traditional properties alike, here at SWD Essex we have a range of window styles for you to choose from. You’ll be able to enhance the performance and aesthetics of your home with this investment. Our uPVC windows are expertly installed by our professional team, and we would be delighted to bring our experience to you and your property.

Homeowners in Braintree and the surrounding areas are choosing uPVC windows because of the wide range of benefits they provide any property. Our exceptional styles in particular will improve your home’s security, energy efficiency and appearance.

Our uPVC windows are exceptionally high quality. This is due to our commitment to providing only the very best home improvements around, which we achieve by working with market-leading manufactures. With the best products, you get the best results. That’s why you can rely on us for superior uPVC windows in Braintree.

uPVC Casement Windows Braintree uPVC Sliding Sash Windows Braintree

Key Features

High Quality Locking Icon
Thermal Efficiency

energy efficient icon
Low Maintenance

Customisable Icon
Highly Secure

weatherproof icon

Beaded Glazing Window Icon
Internally Beaded Glazing

Design Choices Icon
Glass Design

uPVC Windows in Braintree uPVC Window Prices Braintree

Customised uPVC Windows

There is a uPVC window for every home, and we have them all at SWD Essex. Our selection of double glazed window styles encompasses casement, tilt and turn, sliding sash, flush sash and French casement. Each of these can be customised with your choice of glazing and colours, so the choices are almost endless. If the options seem a little overwhelming, with our experience we’ll be happy to recommend what’s right for you.


Keep your loved ones safe by investing in highly secure uPVC windows. Our designs boast the latest Sac locking mechanisms and hardware to maximise the levels of security in your home. By choosing SWD Essex, you’re removing any unnecessary worry and giving yourself total peace of mind. With our excellent reputation, you can trust in us and our uPVC windows.

Thermally Efficient

Create a more energy efficient living space when you choose to install uPVC windows. Homeowners in Braintree are saving money on their heating bills by investing in our home improvements. With double glazing fitted as standard, all our window styles create a pocket of warm air that remains trapped in your home, keeping you cosier and more comfortable all year round.

Low Maintenance

Spend more time reaping the benefits of your uPVC windows and less time cleaning them thanks to their low maintenance profile. To keep them looking their best, all you need to do is wipe them over occasionally with a damp cloth and they’ll look as good as new. Compared to outdated window styles, uPVC profiles require little looking after. They are a modern solution for modern homeowners.

uPVC Window Cost Braintree

Get a uPVC window quote for your home or business with our online quoting engine. Here about our double-glazing options by filling in our online contact form or giving us a call on 01268 281400. A member of our team will be in touch to answer any questions you have.

uPVC Window Styles Braintree

How Secure Are uPVC Windows?

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Are uPVC Windows Strong?

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What Types of uPVC Windows Do You Have?

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uPVC Window Prices Braintree

All across Braintree uPVC windows are being installed by SWD Essex’s friendly and professional team. If you would like to join the ranks of homeowners working with us, we welcome you to contact us. Start your free online window quote today. You’ll receive a bespoke and competitive window cost in no time at all.

For more advice, you can contact us directly. Simply complete our online contact form or give us a call on  01268 281 400. We can recommend the right uPVC windows styles for your home and talk you through the process if you have any more questions.

We look forward to working with you soon.

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